Warmer temperature and sunshine needed to advance Saskatchewan crop
Producers are reporting overall good crop, pasture and hay conditions throughout the province this week. However, crop development continues to fall behind for this time of year due to the cooler and wet conditions.
The rain continued to fall, sometimes heavy, particularly in central and western areas of the province during the reporting period of Jun. 25 to July 1.
Crops Extension Specialist Meghan Rosso said the potential for warmer temperatures and drier conditions in the coming weeks will be needed to support crop advancement and haying progress. She said excess moisture is continuing to contribute to flooding of crops in low lying areas.
“Some regions continue to report standing water in crops will have limited chance for crop recovery within these areas. Other areas of the field that are saturated are showing crop yellowing, stunting and root rot development due to the excess moisture stress,” Rosso said. “Hail and wind were also reported for the week, which resulted in minor to moderate crop damage.”