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Photo by Tanner Smith

NWP gets $1 million grant for regenerative agriculture research project

Oct 15, 2022 | 9:00 AM

Grande Prairie, Alta., – Northwestern Polytechnic has been given a federal grant worth $1 million over five years for a regenerative agriculture research project.

It will be led by the National Bee Diagnostic Centre at the Beaverlodge Research Farm.

A release from NWP says this will focus on soil health and will look to, quote, “create a producer-led, collaborative research and knowledge extension network that can connect growers in the Peace.”

“Our entrepreneurial producers in the Peace have been using regenerative agricultural practices without using specific terminology. Other producers may be curious but lack the knowledge or experience they need to get started. I think that’s where our project can help fill some gaps,” says project co-director Dr. Patricia Wolf Veiga in that same release.

Researchers will look at research and education programs meant to boost sustainable production.

That release also says regenerative agriculture uses things like reduced tillage, cover crops, and rotational grazing to maintain soil health.

NWP says students will also get what it calls real-world research experience, develop skills, and lead their own projects.

“This is true applied research. We’re not hiding away in a lab. We’re taking a practitioner-driven approach, working directly with the farmers to unearth challenges, and formulate strategies to help,” says Dr. Gail MacInnis, the other project co-director.

The grant is being given through the federal government’s Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

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