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Saskatchewan Budget

Provincial budget contains support for rural communities

Jun 16, 2020 | 3:18 PM

The Saskatchewan government unveiled the provincial budget yesterday with a deficit of $2.4 billion.

The province has announced several projects designed to support an economic recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Those projects include municipal infrastructure, support for livestock price insurance and other farm programs.

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities President Ray Orb said the money is welcome as it will be destined for infrastructure projects like road and bridge repair.

Orb said two of the most important projects for rural areas are expanded internet service and the development of water pipelines.

“The rural broadband issue is the most important especially due to COVID-19 with many rural residents especially farmer and ranchers who need it to conduct business and they need it to be competitive so it’s something we are really pushing,” Orb said.

There have been calls to expand the number of acres under irrigation. Orb said it would help agriculture to grow in the province.

Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan President Todd Lewis said he would have liked to see more spending but it’s understandable at this time with the drop in revenue.

He agreed infrastructure spending will help rural areas and it was a good place to direct money.

“They’re putting more money into rural roads. Our municipal system is a pretty effective way to see money spent efficiently,” Lewis said. “Our local RM’s do a good job of picking the right spot to put the infrastructure money. Where there is a local need its recognized quickly.”

Lewis said he hopes the province continues to be successful flattening the curve and keep the number of coronavirus cases down that way things can return to normal as soon as possible.

On Twitter: @AliceMcF

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