Crop Talk event highlights issues farmers face in Prince Albert area
Producers and agriculture industry representatives got together in Prince Albert Thursday to talk about issues farmers are facing ahead of the 2018 growing season.
Crop Talk 2018 took place Thursday at the Prince Albert Exhibition Centre. Robin Brown, articling agrologist and the manager of the Conservation Learning Centre, said the conference is a good way for producers to share ideas and get information about issues facing farmers in the Prince Albert region.
“It’s really great to get these speakers to come in from all across the province to be able to share, I guess, what some of the hotter topics and new information with local producers and give them an opportunity to ask questions and find out what they’re really worried about,” Brown told paNOW.
Topics at the conference included soil salinity, herbicide-resistant weeds, clubroot, water management and drainage. Brown said area farmers are interested in drainage as the snow begins to melt this spring. She said some areas did not have enough moisture heading into the winter.