Bayer-Monsanto deal concerns national farmers’ group
A deal that will create the world’s largest integrated digital agriculture, seed and pesticide company, has raised some alarm bells for the National Farmer’s Union (NFU).
Vice President of Policy Jan Slomp told farmnewsNOW Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto means fewer choices for farmers, and gives private sector companies more control over what products are available on store shelves. Monsanto is the world’s largest seed company and Bayer is the world’s largest pesticide company. Both companies also sell digital agriculture systems. This deal is the latest in other developments, including the merger between Agrium and PotashCorp last fall to create Nutrien.
“Anytime there is consolidation and fewer companies offering the same thing, it’s not good for farmers because less choice means farmers get stuck paying what those companies want to charge,” Slomp said.
On May 30, 2018 Canada’s Competition Bureau approved Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto with conditions. The Competition Bureau has asked Bayer to divest some of its Canadian canola, soybean, vegetable seed and herbicide assets before it will allow it to buy agricultural business Monsanto. The watchdog said if the assets aren’t sold the takeover would likely substantially lessen competition in Canada’s seeds and crop treatment sector. Slomp said the deal itself is not worrisome.